Life after college is a road paved with corndogs

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Japanese commericals are the best!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

All your snakes...are belong to us...

Friday, August 18, 2006

And I thought I was decent at Street Fighter. Someone beats Super Street Fighter 2 in about 11 minutes, with Zangief.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Yes, a link that will make you laugh - if you like Robot Chicken. The 10 best Robot Chicken Sketches of all time!

Monday, August 14, 2006

If you've ever played Silent Hill - here's the "Blooper reel" that is the treat for going through the hell of playing the game. Watch out for Dahlia Gillespie!

Be Prepared! is the government site where people go for information from our government to be prepared for anything. This site makes fun of that. Also this Daily Show clip fun of that too. BE PREPARED PEOPLE!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Bryan sent this to me...oh MAN! First off - MR. T! Second off, they use the "Mr. T in my Pocket", something I own and love. And thirdly, Steve Carrell singing, "Gonnnnaaaa suuuuuuueeee themmmmm!"

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Passion of the Hairplugs...
Very appropriate Mel Gibson rampage awesomeness. Done by animation writer Dani Michaeli (SOUTH PARK).

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I am co curating an art show! The show is called "A Walk in the Park"...I am accepting submissions until September 23rd. The show is on October 7th. All details are on the show's mySpace page - please visit it and get all the info!

PLEASE watch this movie - it is so good. I saw this with Brad and Patty on Saturday, and I think hands down, the funniest movie I've seen this year. Everyone in this movie shines.